Michael Cantor, Founder & Principal
Michael has worked in professional political research since 2008. Growing up in Massachusetts, Michael attended Northeastern University, where he was inspired by the disastrous first years of George W. Bush’s presidency to pursue a career in Democratic politics. Michael attended Law School at Washington University in Saint Louis. After graduating, Michael doubled down on his commitment to work for Democratic candidates, packed up all of his belongings in his car, and drove to Minnesota to work in Al Franken’s Senate research shop. Over the next few years, Michael moved to Baltimore, Maryland and joined the Washington, D.C. based consulting firm of VR Research as a Research and Due Diligence Analyst. During his time at VR Michael provided self and opposition research for over 50 local, statewide and national candidates, as well as corporate and non-profit clients. In 2011, Michael joined American Bridge 21st Century, first managing the House research team, and then later serving as Deputy Research Director. During his time at Bridge, Michael led research efforts on dozens of House, Senate and Gubernatorial races throughout the country and worked with allied groups on the local and national level. Michael founded WayForward Research in New Hampshire in 2014 bringing his commitment to accurate, straightforward and useful research to his clients in New England and throughout the country. |